
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Get to Know the Rich and Varied Style of Chinese Cooking

Chinese cooking is arguably the most popular of all the Asian cuisines, thanks to its richness and diversity. The Chinese style of cooking we know today is the result of the combination of different regions in China, whose flavors and ingredients reflect their sub-culture, geography and history. From Asia to America to Europe, Chinese cooking is a force to reckon with, popular for its flavorful approach to cooking and food presentation.

What Chinese cooking offers

Chinese cooking may be divided into four major cooking styles, depending on the region. Canton style cooking, for example, is considered as the most popular. Because the region enjoys good weather, almost anything may be included as part of a dish. From seafood to fresh fruits and vegetables, this style of Chinese cooking has some of the most varied and sophisticated flavors to offer, characterized by meals cooked by deep frying and highlighted by rich sauces.

Another Chinese cooking style is that made famous in the provinces of Hunan and Szechwan. Rice-based foods are abundant, partnered with some really spicy dishes. The eastern and western sides have dishes that are dominated by fish and seafood.

Further up north, where the Arctic winds rule, lamb and mutton are common without pork, because most of the population are Muslims. Simplicity is the key word to describe the type of Chinese cooking here, as evidenced by the way rice, noodles and bread are served with cut vegetables and fruits.

In contrast, the cuisine in Beijing is more high-brow, featuring some of the most exotic and intricately prepared dishes in Chinese cuisine, thanks to imperial influence. Today, the best features of this style of cooking are evident in many of China's most famous chefs.

Highlights of Chinese cooking

Many of the dishes in Chinese cuisine are prepared in small, bite-sized cuts which make them easy to pick up with chopsticks and placed directly in the mouth. Some dishes, such as fish, are served whole and diners who wish to partake only have to use chopsticks to break up pieces and eat them directly.

Some of the most popular and well-loved foods courtesy of Chinese cooking include: noodles (plain and fried), stir-fried vegetables, hot pot, dumplings (fried, steamed or as part of a soup dish), soy milk, Peking duck, glutinous rice with either sweet or meat-based filling, steamed buns, filled or coated rice balls, pickled vegetables, hard boiled eggs, seasoned tofu, rice porridge and tea.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Home Cooking Tips and Tactics

Home cooking has its various advantages and disadvantages. Still, it deserves to be tried by every budding chef. For one thing, home cooking is highly economical. Also, you might find this to be one of the most rewarding endeavors you can try. Here are some things you can try as you venture into home cooking.

1. Have room for variety. If you are able to make your menu as varied and diverse as possible, you will be able to make more discoveries, try all possible techniques, and even develop your own cooking style.

2. Don't be afraid of experimentation. Always try to get your creative juices flowing. Never allow yourself to get stuck in traditional techniques.

3. Employ other family members' preferences and be open to feedback. Nothing beats the improvement you can get from honest evaluations of your cooking skills.

4. Always find time to cook. You use it or you’ll lose it. Regular practice will help you perfect your own style.

5. Be the master of your kitchen. Familiarize yourself with your environment, ingredients and the positioning of your refrigerator, utensil box and dish washing area. Make it as efficient as possible so that you’ll save on time and energy.

6. Unleash your creativity. Don’t be afraid of changing the way you do things or adding new ingredients to a traditionally prepared meals.

7. Involve other people in your home cooking. Link up with people of the same interest. Also, foster the desire to cook within your family.

8. Plan your meals.

9. Clean as you work within your kitchen. This way you will be able to save on time.

10. Organize your cookbooks in a manner most accessible to you.

11. Have a list of items you need to buy. Keep a note pad or notebook handy in case you need something to add to the list.

12. Work according to the season. Take the opportunity to make use of ingredients that are in season.

13. Have a system of cooking.

14. Learn to deal with leftovers. Know how to recycle them.

15. Read the manuals of the appliances you use in the kitchen.

16. Check the ingredients for expiration dates and take note of them.

Home cooking can be very profitable and rewarding in both monetary and non-monetary ways. If you are able to master home cooking, you’ll be ready for almost anything.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Resep Membuat Rendang (Sumatera Barat,Indonesia)

Bahan :

1. Daging Sapi 1 kg (potong kecil-kecil)
2. Kelapa 2 butir
3. Bawang secukupnya
4. Pala
5. Dasun Tongga (kerdamunggu)
6. Daun Kunyit 3 lembar
7. Serai 10 centimeter, memarkan
8. Daun salam 4 lembar
9. Cabe 1 ons (atau secukupnya)

Membuat Bumbu :

1. Parut kelapa.

2. Kelapa yang diparut pisahkan satu genggam atau beberapa gram untuk di Oseng.

3. Oseng kelapa sampai kekuning kuningan dan berbau harum.

4. Kelapa yang di oseng dihaluskan sampai keluar minyak dan encer (digiling pada batu gilingan jangan diblender untuk mendapatkan cita rasa yang khas Sumatera Barat). Setelah halus pisahkan dalam mangkok.

5. Sisa kelapa yang lain di peras, pisahkan antara santan kental dan encer.

6. Giling cabe, kira-kira cabe hampir halus giling juga bawang, pala, dasun tongga sampai halus. Setelah halus pisahkan dulu dalam mangkok.

Mulai memasak :
Siapkan semua bumbu didalam kuali, masukkan daging, Aduk sampai rata.
Setelah daging dan bumbu bersatu, tambahkan santan kental,dan masak pada api yang sedang.

Aduk terus kuah jangan sampai pecah. Setelah mendidih tambahkan santan encer sisanya.

Aduk terus sampai berminyak, sampai tahap ini rendang sudah siap untuk disajikan layaknya gulai pada masakan padang yang lain.

Pada rendang ada cirikhasnya yaitu dengan warna yang coklat kehitam-hitaman, ini akan didapat jika rendang sudah dipanaskan beberapa kali.

Estimasi lama memasak : 2 jam.

Selamat mencoba dan,
Jangan lupa ngajak-ngajak makannya kalau udah matang

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

How to Deal with Commercial Cooking Equipment

There are different factors to consider when you are choosing your commercial cooking equipment. There are certain questions you need to ask yourself before you consider anything to be ideal commercial cooking material. For one thing, it may not be exactly the same as that of home cooking equipment that you are fond of using, but the features are pretty much identical, except that commercial cooking equipment are used on a larger scale.

1. From home freezers, get used to colossal sized freezers fit for many forms of frozen food items. You can’t expect your favorite fridge to be able to handle all the various foods you need to freeze. Besides, not every type of food placed in the fridge will be consumed immediately. You will have to have room for both immediate and long-term storage.

2. Multiplicity in your stove's features will also prove to be of big help. Commercial cooking equipment in the form of ample amounts of hubs in stoves will help you cook more food in the shortest possible time.

3. Plates are no longer enough to hold everything. Have trays that are tough and easy to maintain as you transport food from one customer to another.

4. Count the cost. You must be able to include in your budget this aspect of your business. Commercial cooking equipment isn’t cheap, but that's fine as long as you are able to get favorable returns on your investment.

5. Recall your economics. Know and understand the nuances of depreciation and how it will affect your commercial cooking equipment, especially the ones you purchased for the longest time.

6. Fryers are also different. We aren’t talking about single chicken pieces here. We are talking loads of chicken that are at the mercy of the customer's demand. If you are after distributing cooked food for commercial purposes, make sure that you are able to meet the demand.

7. Dryers and cabinets are just as important even if they aren’t at all that significant to home cooking operations. When you are in the food business, it pays to be quick and able to hold large amounts of ingredients.

8. Harness energy saving equipment whenever you can.

9. Train your staff to use and master the functionality of each piece of equipment. Make sure that they are able to specialize in it.

Soup for the Cooks Soul

Most would just grab a pinch of salt and voila. They feel that this move is enough to complete the taste of the soup. But there are better ways for a chef to make the soup taste better. It doesn’t require too much sodium.

First and foremost, reflect on the ingredients of the soup. Most of the time, veggies, herbs and bones are starting base for a good soup.

If you want to reduce or increase the flavor of the soup, you have to taste it between stirring. Its up to you really. You can reduce the soup by half if you feel that there is a lot more kick to it than you expected, but be ready to double the flavor if there comes a point that its bland.

If you’re done cooking the soup but it tastes like it still needs something, reach for wine, lime juice or lemon. You can also spike it with vinegar.

If you want more flavor to the meat, make sure that you sauté it in the pot. You can add more oil or butter to the pot. You can also toss in chopped garlic and onion. Take the time to sauté all the ingredients and let them seep in with one another.

If you are cooking stew and it tastes slightly burnt, you can remedy it by pouring a bit of milk to balance the taste out. Ice cubes can also eliminate the fat portion from the soup as well as the stew. All you need are just a few into the pot and continue stirring. The fat will attach to the ice cubes. Make sure to discard them before they completely melt. Have a paper towel nearby so you can reach for it as you skim your way across the top.

Finally, when you are reheating your soup, you must always use a double boiler. In that way, the soup doesn’t lose its flavor because the hot water is responsible for securing all the ingredients.

There was this story about a traveler who asked a man and wife if he could stay in their house for the night. He said he could make the best stew they ever tasted with only a rock. Now it was a normal rock. The stew he ended up cooking for the man and the wife ended up to be tasty because the homeowners provided him with the ingredients he needed to come up with the stew.

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